Why Apex-Thermo King?
The company has been on the market since 1988. We are an authorized dealer and service center of the Thermo King brand in Poland, as well as a professional and competent partner of all companies using mobile refrigeration units. We offer a full range of Thermo King products, we provide professional service and support.
As an authorized representative of Thermo King, we cooperate with the European Service Network, providing our customers with 24/7 Thermo Assistance service operating throughout Europe.

APEX-Thermo king TEAM
Our experience in numbers
Years of experience
Service hours
Aggregate assembly
Where to find us?
We operate in the Pomeranian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships. We have 3 own service stations: in Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz and Olsztyn.
Many years of experience and carefully selected staff, regularly trained in Thermo King centers, give you the confidence of professional service care.
Our Story
December 1988
Establishment of Apex Sp. z o. o.
The history of the company begins with the founding of the Socialized Przedsiębiorstwo Wdrożeniowo-Usługowe APEX Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Gdynia. The company dealt with the implementation of new technologies as well as the installation and servicing of stationary refrigeration equipment in warehouse and production facilities. Its founders were Andrzej Urbański and Andrzej Soboczyński – later Presidents of the Company.
August 1992

First collaboration
The company establishes cooperation with the manufacturer of automotive refrigeration units - THERMO KING, as PPH APEX Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Sopot at ul. Dąbrowskiego 6. Since 1992, it has been continuously in the global THERMO KING service network as one of the first in Poland, it becomes a propagator of knowledge and a pioneer in installing THERMO KING devices on refrigerated vehicles.
July 1993

We sign a contract with Thermo King
PPH APEX Sp. z o. o. signs a contract with THERMO KING for running an Affiliated Service Station in Gdańsk and is included in the global network of THERMO KING Dealership stations
Year 1995

Rebranding of the company and the Polagra Fair
The year 1995 brought fundamental changes in the dynamic development of the company, which adopted the name Centrum Pojazdów Chłodniczych APEX Sp. z o. o. The name change (rebranding) was used for further development and expansion. POLAGRA 1995 International Agricultural and Industrial Fair, among the stands that definitely attracted the attention of professionals was Centrum Pojazdów Chłodniczych APEX Sp. z o. o.
September 1997

We have become an Authorized Thermo King Dealer
Ch. APEX Sp. z o. o. receives the status of THERMO KING Authorized Service Dealer. The first Polish vehicles with THERMO KING aggregates in C P Ch. APEX
January 1990

We have signed a full Dealer Agreement
THERMO KING signs with C P Ch. APEX Sp. z o. o. full Dealer Agreement, i.e. "Sales and Service Dealer Agreement". This meant a further extension of the scope of authorization by independent import of refrigeration units and obtaining the right to comprehensive service and commercial service in the field of THERMO KING products in the Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodships and two poviats of the Wielkopolska province: Piła and Złotów.
July 2004
Establishment of Apex Sp. z o. o.
Ze względu na kompetencje techniczne oraz wysoki stopień specjalizacji działalności powstaje APEX-THERMO KING Sp. z o.o., która przejmuje całość zagadnień związanych ze sprzedażą i serwisowaniem agregatów chłodniczych do środków transportu THERMO KING. Ten rebranding nie był tylko inicjatywą zarządu, a elementem budowania wizerunku firmy i ujednolicania nazewnictwa i identyfikacji graficznej, oraz miał uzasadnienie w strategii i polityce marki nadrzędnej. THERMO KING jest marką szeroko rozpoznawalną na świecie, a używanie w nazwie firmy zwiększyło jej znajomość. Natomiast Centrum Pojazdów Chłodniczych APEX Sp. z o.o. kontynuuje kompletację pojazdów chłodniczych we współpracy z producentami nadwozi, konsekwentnie realizując założoną politykę rozwoju firmy w kierunku kompleksowej obsługi specjalistycznego sprzętu do przewozu produktów wymagających stabilnej temperatury podczas transportu, jest również oficjalnym dealerem i serwisem zabudów marki IGLOOCAR.
July 30, 2004
We officially operate as the Apex-Thermo King Company
APEX-THERMO KING Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Sopot at ul. J. Dąbrowskiego 6/1 was registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000215077. Andrzej Soboczyński became the President of the Management Board.
December 2004

New company headquarters
APEX-THERMO KING Sp. z o. o. and C P Ch. APEX Sp. z o. o. in order to improve the quality of services provided, they change their location and move from Gdańsk to Gdynia to ul. Hutnicza 34.
December 7, 2004
Sales & Service Dealer Agreement
APEX-THERMO KING signs a Full Dealer Agreement with "THERMO KING", i.e. "SALES and SERVICE DEALER AGREEMENT No. 0344" for the sale and service of THERMO KING refrigeration units for means of transport and the entire range of Ingersoll Rand products
April 2006

We opened a branch in Bydgoszcz
To meet the expectations of our customers in the Kuj Pomorskie Voivodeship, APEX-THERMO KING launches a new, second Authorized Service of refrigeration units for means of transport, Branch in Bydgoszcz.
March 2011

We opened a branch in Olsztyn
We have expanded our activities to Warmińsko-Mazurskie and launched the third Authorized Service of refrigeration units for means of transport, Branch in Olsztyn
June 2013

We bought a plot
APEX-THERMO KING purchased land for the construction of a new headquarters in Gdańsk at ul. Surveyors 18
November 2015

The construction of the new headquarters of the Company has started
Rozpoczyna się budowa nowej siedziby i serwisu firmy APEX-THERMO KING na zakupionej działce. Przewidywany termin zakończenia budowy i przeniesienia firmy do nowych pomieszczeń w Gdańsku przy ul. Geodetów nr 18 – listopad 2016.
January 2016

We signed a contract with Frigoblock
APEX-THERMO KING signs a Dealer Agreement with FRIGOBLOCK in connection with the acquisition of this company by THERMO KING and the inclusion of its products for sale and service by existing THERMO KING dealers
November 28, 2016

New headquarters
We are already in the new headquarters and service of APEX-THERMO KING, the move to the new facility is completed! The investment was aimed at creating an attractive area for conducting business activity, as well as a strong and established position of our Company on the market, increasing the Company's fixed assets as well as growth and development of the business. The new location of APEX-THERMO KING Sp. z o. o. is attractive in terms of logistics.
June 1, 2018

The service in Bydgoszcz is in a new location
As of June 1, 2018 the authorized APEX-THERMO KING service is in a new location, in the immediate vicinity of the PKS workshop, at 147 Toruńska Street in Bydgoszcz. The change of the address of the APEX-THERMO KING service in Bydgoszcz is the result of our constant improvement of the quality of services provided by our company. Our goal is to ensure the best possible accessibility of service points for our customers, in order to provide them with the highest quality service at their fingertips and maximize the availability of their vehicles, and thus contribute to the success of our customers. The service in the new location will also provide the same wide range of high-quality service for mobile refrigeration units

Apex Thermo King Sp. z o. o. changes owner
At the turn of 2018/2019, APEX - THERMO KING Sp. z o. o. changed owner. 100% of APEX shares were taken over by TT-THERMO KING - the largest Thermo King and Frigoblock dealer in Poland and in this part of Europe. Thus, our company has joined the prestigious group offering its customers nine service stations and commercial offices located in seven provinces. APEX - THERMO KING service stations are constantly operating in Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz and Olsztyn. Mr. Jakub Glinkowski became the president of APEX-THERMO KING
June 3, 2019

The service in Olsztyn is in a new location
As of June 3, 2019 the authorized APEX-THERMO KING service is in new premises, at 44E Lubelska Street in Olsztyn. Changes in the Thermo King Olsztyn service included several places: a modernized service hall of the workshop and a spare parts warehouse, and we raised the standard of social and office rooms to make the stay in them as friendly as possible for our customers. Each modernization or expansion of our website is of great importance to us, we know that the funds allocated translate into improved customer service. The service in the new location will continue to provide the same wide range of high quality services.
September 2020

Premiere of the Advancer chiller
On the last Friday of September 2020, at our headquarters in Gdańsk, the ceremonial premiere of the latest Thermo King unit for refrigerated semi-trailers - ADVANCER - was organized. APEX-THERMO KING customers took part in the event. The guests praised the opportunity to test the ADVANCER units prepared especially for this event, mounted on refrigerated semi-trailers. The whole event ended with a gala dinner and behind-the-scenes talks accompanied by a jazz band.

Mobile Service
Wychodząc naprzeciw potrzebom naszych Klientów, Apex -Thermo King Serwis Olsztyn uruchomił dla Państwa serwis mobilny. Serwis mobilny oferowany przez firmę Apex -Thermo King umożliwia szybkie usunięcie awarii w miejscu jej powstania, co obniża koszty związane z nieplanowanym przestojem, poza Gdańskiem, Bydgoszczą, także w Olsztynie dysponujemy serwisem mobilnym. Nasze usługi świadczymy nie tylko w naszych autoryzowanych stacjach serwisowych, dla klientów, którzy nie mają możliwości, by do nas dojechać prowadzimy również mobilny serwis naprawczy agregatów chłodniczych obejmujący kompleksowy najwyższy poziom usług. Wykwalifikowana załoga dojedzie w każde miejsce kompletnie wyposażonym samochodem technicznym , aby udzielić pomocy w dogodnej dla Państwa lokalizacji.
March 2023

We are the first in Poland
Apex-Thermo King was the first in Poland to provide the customer with the latest multi-temperature THERMO KING Advancer A-500 Spectrum unit
Wrzesień 2023

Powstanie Centrum Serwisowego Bydgoszcz
Przeniesienie Bydgoskiej Stacji Serwisowej do nowej, funkcjonalnej lokalizacji znajdującej się przy ul. Bydgoskich Przemysłowców 29 w Bydgoszczy. Rozszerzenie zakresu usług oraz Powstanie Centrum Serwisowego Bydgoszcz świadczącego kompleksowe usługi dla transportu w zakresie: serwisu agregatów chłodniczych, serwisu samochodów dostawczych, ciężarowych i naczep, kompleksowej likwidacji szkód z blacharnią i lakiernią, diagnostyki komputerowej, a także Okręgową Stację Kontroli Pojazdów.
Październik 2023

Zmiana adresu ASO Olsztyn
Autoryzowana Stacja Obsługi Thermo King w Olsztynie przenosi się z ulicy Lubelskiej do nowej siedziby przy ul. Towarowej 20A w Olsztynie